Lo scopo di questo studio è di determinare e dimostrare l’assenza di invasività dell’utilizzo dello strumento OneNeed® Aesthetic Micro Pricking, in grado di stimolare la rigenerazione tissutale e la produzione di nuovo collagene,permettendone l’assorbimento di prodotti topici cosmetici, in modo tale da renderlo utilizzabile a personale qualificato del settore estetico. Grazie a volontari arruolati attraverso il Network del Secondo Parere, è stata eseguita la dermatoscopia e la capillaroscopia della zona di pelle da trattare. Successivamente è stata applicata sulla cute una crema di uso cosmetico ed è stato effettuato il trattamento estetico con lo strumento OneNeed® Aesthetic Micro Pricking (Beautech Srl, Modena, Italia) per permettere la veicolazione transdermica della crema. Rieseguita la dermatoscopia della zona trattata dopo il trattamento per visualizzare la distribuzione e l’assorbimento superficiale del prodotto applicato topicamente, questa evidenzia una dilatazione dei pori epidermici dopo il passaggio con gli aghi e la distribuzione della crema applicata sull’epidermide che viene veicolata agli strati più superficiali. La capillaroscopia eseguita dopo il trattamento, mostra una maggiore perfusione sanguigna dei capillari cutanei nella zona trattata. Istologicamente è stato possibile misurare il limite di profondità del cono di perforazione nell’epidermide dopo il trattamento per tutte le tipologie di aghi utilizzati. OneNeed® Aesthetic Micro Pricking costituisce una significativa innovazione in ambito estetico, proprio per il suo meccanismo di azione, definibile “micro-invasivo”, che sortisce importanti risultati di cosmesi cutanea, con una curva di apprendimento relativamente facile e senza alcun disagio né invasività per il soggetto trattato.
Leggi ArticoloThe restoration of the skin barrier in acute and chronicwounds is controlled by several molecular mechanisms thatsynergistically regulate cell kinetics, enzymatic functions, andneurovascular activation. These pathways include genetic andepigenetic activation, which modulate physiological wound healing.Our review describes the genetic background of skin repair, namelytranscription-independent diffusible damage signals, individualvariability, epigenetic mechanism, controlled qualitative traits, posttranslationalmechanisms, antioxidants, nutrients, DNA modifications,bacteria activation, mitochondrial activity, and oxidative stress. TheDNA background modulating skin restoration could be used to plannew diagnostics and therapeutics.
Background: The rate of people with significant dermis and epidermis disorders increases linearly with age. The majority of skin changes are a consequence of cumulative exposure to environmental factors, such as chronic ultraviolet exposure. Aims and Objectives: Age-related dermatological changes include skin laxity, nails fragility, hair loss and hair breakage. This spontaneous, anecdotal observational study investigates if a dietary supplementation based on collagen, chondroitin sulfate, low-molecular weight hyaluronic acid, Pycnogenol® and coenzyme Q10 can improve age-related dermatological changes. Materials and Methods: Thirty four patients received the dietary supplement for 2 times/daily for 12 weeks. Facial skin hydration, Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) and elasticity were assessed at baseline and after 12 weeks in five selected areas. Nails hardness of the index, middle and ring fingers were also assessed at baseline and at follow-up by a durometer and by a nail score. The Hair Mass Index (HMI) and the Hair Breakage Index (HBI) were assessed by a mechanical device together with hair score at baseline and after 12 weeks. Results: After 12 weeks skin hydration, TEWL and elasticity significantly improved in all the tested areas (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001). Nails hardness of index, middle and ring finger significantly increased (p < 0.001) after 12 weeks. HMI and HBI were both significantly reduced (p < 0.0001) after 12 weeks. In addition, both nails and hair score improved. Conclusions: Dietary supplementation significantly improved age-related dermatological changes.
Leggi ArticoloBackground: Hyperhidrosis is a chronic disease characterized by increased sweat production. Local injections of botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) have been extensively used for treatment of primary hyperhidrosis (idiopathic). The current treatment for this condition involves several intradermal injections, resulting in poor patient compliance due to injection-related pain. Therefore, new protocols, including an improved anesthetic regimen, are required. Aim: We designed the present study to determine whether JetPeel™-3, a medical device used for transdermal delivery of drugs by jet nebulization, could be used to deliver lidocaine prior to the standard multiple BTX-A injections or deliver lidocaine together with BTX-A in order to determine the protocol giving better results in terms of procedure-related pain, sweating, and patient satisfaction in subjects affected by primary axillary, palmar or plantar hyperhidrosis. Conclusion: Lidocaine and BTX-A can be safely delivered together by JetPeel™-3 to treat primary palmar, plantar and axillary hyperhidrosis, resulting in lower procedure-related pain, improved sweating and higher patient satisfaction, if compared with lidocaine delivered by JetPeel™-3 followed by standard BTX-A injection therapy. Our protocol delivering lidocaine and BTX-A together by JetPeel™-3 requires a reduced quantity of BTX-A, further supporting the use of the transdermal drug delivery by jet nebulization over standard injection therapy for treatment of primary hyperhidrosis.
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