Neoplasms of the head and neck represent approximately 5% of cancers and theyrequire complex multidisciplinary clinical management. Desmodium adscendens (Desmodium) isa plant that possesses anti-allergic, antioxidant and hepato-protective properties. Lithothamniumcalcareum (Lithothamnium) is a calcified seaweed that possesses remineralization propertiesand the ability to maintain homeostasis.In this single-arm study, we investigated the efficacy of a combination therapy based onDesmovit® which contains Desmodium and Lithothamnium, and chemotherapy in patients withhead and neck cancer.Twelve patients with histological or cytological diagnosis of stage IV head and neckcancer were enrolled in this study that was approved by the ethics committee of the Unità OperativaComplessa (UOC) di Oncologia Medica Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord andfollowed the Declaration of Helsinki guidelines. The patients were monitored by investigation ofthe performance status according to the Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS), which evaluates theplasma level of C-reactive protein and albumin levels, and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group(ECOG) examination. Pain and fatigue were also monitored using the visual analog scale and visualanalog fatigue scale, respectively.GPS, ECOG, and albumin remained stable throughout the study with a trend towardsa decrease in GPS and albumin post-treatment. Pain significantly improved (P<0.05) and also fatigue improved(all P<0.01).We found that chemotherapy, combined with Desmodium and Lithothamnium,improved pain and fatigue in head and neck cancer patients, although we cannot confirm if thiswas due to Desmodium and Lithothamnium or chemotherapy. The improvement in pain andfatigue was supported by the ECOG performance status remaining stable with the highest scorebeing equal to 2 throughout the study and a trend towards an improvement in GPS performancestatus and albumin levels.
Leggi ArticoloChondrus crispus is red seaweed widespread in the northern Atlantic coasts due to the high proteins, burden it is quite helpful supplement for some symptoms such as fatigue, asthenia, and weakness and for supporting skeletal muscles in sports athletes. Aims and Objectives: This retrospective observational “not inferiority” study investigates and compares the clinical effects of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus and non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations for the treatment of musculoskeletal and articular symptomatology related diseases. Materials and Methods: Eighty patients were retrospectively reviewed through the Second Opinion Medical Network. Patients were prescribed 3 capsules/day after the main meals for 3 weeks of overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus or non-overwintered stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementations. Quality of life (QOL) assessment was evaluated by the Short Form-36 (SF-36) health survey questionnaire before starting the treatment and after the third week. Benefits declared by patients were also reported after the treatment in addition to some subjective observations related to the symptomatology and to the health status. Results: Fifty patients were treated with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus and 30 patients were treated with the non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus dietary supplementation. The general benefit of treatment with overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus was 76%, while that obtained with non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus was 33.3% (P <0.01). Results of SF-36 general health status after the treatment demonstrated that 37 patients (74%) and 11 patients (36.7%) felt better than before in the overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus group and non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus group, respectively (P < 0.01). A great improvement of subjective exhaustion, fatigue, pain, digestive, and peristalsis disturbances symptoms, in addition to mood and concentration amelioration that would be a consequence of symptomatology regression, was also observed. Conclusions: This retrospective observational comparative study evidences that overwintered-stressed Chondrus Crispus improved musculoskeletal and articular symptomatology related diseases better than non-overwintered-stressed Chondrus crispus.
Leggi ArticoloLo scopo di questo studio è di determinare e dimostrare l’assenza di invasività dell’utilizzo dello strumento OneNeed® Aesthetic Micro Pricking, in grado di stimolare la rigenerazione tissutale e la produzione di nuovo collagene,permettendone l’assorbimento di prodotti topici cosmetici, in modo tale da renderlo utilizzabile a personale qualificato del settore estetico. Grazie a volontari arruolati attraverso il Network del Secondo Parere, è stata eseguita la dermatoscopia e la capillaroscopia della zona di pelle da trattare. Successivamente è stata applicata sulla cute una crema di uso cosmetico ed è stato effettuato il trattamento estetico con lo strumento OneNeed® Aesthetic Micro Pricking (Beautech Srl, Modena, Italia) per permettere la veicolazione transdermica della crema. Rieseguita la dermatoscopia della zona trattata dopo il trattamento per visualizzare la distribuzione e l’assorbimento superficiale del prodotto applicato topicamente, questa evidenzia una dilatazione dei pori epidermici dopo il passaggio con gli aghi e la distribuzione della crema applicata sull’epidermide che viene veicolata agli strati più superficiali. La capillaroscopia eseguita dopo il trattamento, mostra una maggiore perfusione sanguigna dei capillari cutanei nella zona trattata. Istologicamente è stato possibile misurare il limite di profondità del cono di perforazione nell’epidermide dopo il trattamento per tutte le tipologie di aghi utilizzati. OneNeed® Aesthetic Micro Pricking costituisce una significativa innovazione in ambito estetico, proprio per il suo meccanismo di azione, definibile “micro-invasivo”, che sortisce importanti risultati di cosmesi cutanea, con una curva di apprendimento relativamente facile e senza alcun disagio né invasività per il soggetto trattato.
Leggi ArticoloDuchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited fatal X-linked myogenic disorder with a prevalence of 1 in 3500 male live births. DMD is characterized by continuous degeneration and regeneration cycles resulting in extensive fibrosis and a progressive reduction in muscle mass. Since the identification of a reduction in dystrophin protein as the cause of this disorder, numerous innovative and experimental therapies, focusing on increasing the levels of dystrophin, have been proposed, but the clinical improvement has been unsatisfactory. Among the proteins of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex, cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are found almost ubiquitously on the surface and in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of mammalian cells. These macromolecules interact with numerous ligands, including ECM constituents, adhesion molecules and growth factors that play a crucial role in muscle development and maintenance. In this article, we have reviewed in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies focused on the functional role of GAGs in the pathophysiology of DMD with the final aim of summarizing the state of the art of GAG dysregulation within the ECM in DMD and discussing future therapeutic perspectives.
Leggi ArticoloGastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of a medical device, Esoxx®, basedon hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate on gastritis-related upper abdominal pain/discomfort and endoscopic features. Fiftypatients, affected by gastritis, were randomised to receive the medical device or placebo. The primary endpoint was the medicaldevice efficacy on upper abdominal pain/discomfort associated with gastritis and measured byVisual Analogue Scale (VAS). Thesecondary endpoints were the efficacy of the medical device on gastritis-related mucosal erosions, blood oozing, and hyperemia(redness)/edema, as assessed by endoscopy, and the patients’ rating of their compliance with the treatments. A significantreduction in VAS pain was observed in the treatment group after a 5-week treatment, if compared with placebo (p < 0.001). Insummary, administration of a medical device, based on hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate, improves gastritis-related upperabdominal pain/discomfort and decreases mucosal erosions, blood oozing, and hyperemia (redness)/edema at 5-week follow-upin patients affected by gastritis.
Questo studio retrospettivo di tipo osservazionale valuta gli effetti di una dieta priva di latte e derivati, integrata con Desmodium adscendens e Chrysanthellum americanum, in 53 pazienti affetti da cefalee primarie croniche. Per 6 mesi essi hanno seguito una dieta equilibrata, normocalorica, personalizzata, priva di latte e suoi derivati, ed un trattamento nutraceutico in formulazione orale di capsule contenenti Desmodium adscendens, 200 mg ogni 10 kg di peso + Chrysanthellum americanum, 250 mg ogni 10 kg di peso, 15 minuti prima di colazione, pranzo e cena. Sono stati valutati la frequenza degli episodi di cefalea, l’intensità del dolore, le variazioni di indice di massa corporea (BMI), percentuale di massa grassa e massa magra prima di iniziare il trattamento e dopo 6 mesi. Il numero medio di episodi di cefalea in un mese si è ridotto del 95,3% ed il punteggio medio del dolore si è ridotto dell’89,1%, dopo 6 mesi di trattamento. Il peso corporeo ha subito una riduzione media del 5,3% ed il BMI del 5,7%. Infine il valore medio di percentuale di massa grassa si è ridotto del 13,2% mentre il valore medio di percentuale di massa magra è aumentato del 5,6% dopo 6 mesi di trattamento. L’associazione di dieta controllata priva di latte e suoi derivati associata a integrazione nutraceutica con Desmodium adscendens e Chrysanthellum americanum ha migliorato la sintomatologia antalgica, oltre a determinare un calo ponderale ed una modificazione della composizione corporea.
Leggi ArticoloUn’analisi della letteratura scientifica evidenzia la necessità di correttivi e addestramento per migliorare l’interscambio di informazioni cliniche e il dialogo con i professionisti della salute,aumentando attraverso questo l’aderenza alle terapie, la sicurezza delle prescrizioni e più in generale la customer satisfaction
Leggi ArticoloThe restoration of the skin barrier in acute and chronicwounds is controlled by several molecular mechanisms thatsynergistically regulate cell kinetics, enzymatic functions, andneurovascular activation. These pathways include genetic andepigenetic activation, which modulate physiological wound healing.Our review describes the genetic background of skin repair, namelytranscription-independent diffusible damage signals, individualvariability, epigenetic mechanism, controlled qualitative traits, posttranslationalmechanisms, antioxidants, nutrients, DNA modifications,bacteria activation, mitochondrial activity, and oxidative stress. TheDNA background modulating skin restoration could be used to plannew diagnostics and therapeutics.
Flaxseeds are a significant dietary source of α-linolenic acid, dietary fibre and lignans. The aim of this review is to describe current knowledge concerning the therapeutic and physiological effects of dietary flaxseeds on the gastrointestinal system. We reviewed in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies published between 1976 and 2016 and examining the gastrointestinal activity of lignans, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre in dietary flaxseeds. We searched PubMed/MEDLINE using the keywords ‘lignans’, ‘flaxseeds’, ‘fibre’, ‘omega 3 fatty acids’ and ‘gastrointestinal’ alone or combined. The results indicate that flaxseed lignans and omega-3 fatty acids may be effective for preventing and reducing colon cancer, modulating constipation and diarrhoea through the synergic activity of lignans, fibre and omega-3 fatty acids, and reducing bowel inflammation through downregulation by omega-3 fatty acids of the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, a positive effect on the gut microbiota has been observed both in experimental in vivo studies and in clinical trials, probably through lignan activity, although the exact mechanism of action has not been elucidated. Our review suggests dietary flaxseeds may have beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal system.
Leggi ArticoloObjective: Urinary incontinence (UI) is one of the most common urinary system diseases that mostly affects womenbut alsomen.We evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) as potential UI treatmentwith improvements in the pelvic floor musculature, urodynamic tests and quality of life.Methods: A total of 20 UI patients (10 females and 10 men, mean age 64, 14 years), including 10 with stress UI,four with urgency UI and six with mixed UI, were treated with FMS (20min/session) twice a week for 3 weeks.The patients’ impressions, records in urinary diaries, and scores of three life stress questionnaires (overactive bladdersymptom questionnaire [OAB-q], urogenital distress inventory questionnaire-short form [UDI-6], incontinence impactquestionnaire-short form [IIQ-7]) were performed pre- and post-treatment.Results: Significant reductions (P<0.01) of micturition number and nocturia after magnetic treatment were evidenced.The urodynamic tests recorded a significant increase in cystometric capacity (147±51.3%), in maximumurethral closure pressure (110±34%), in urethral functional length (99.8±51.8%), and in pressure transmissionratio (147±51.3%) values compared with the baseline values.Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest that FMS with Magneto STYM (twice weekly for 3 weeks) improvesthe UI and may be an effective treatment for this urogenital disease.
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