The aim of this paper was to investigate the main clinical effects of an original probiotic formulation based on Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5, and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB12 with short-chain fruit oligosaccharides. We searched Pubmed/Medline using the terms “Lactobacillus rhamnosus”, “Lactobacillus acidophilus”, “Bifidbacterium bifidum” and “short-chain fruit oligosaccharides”. Selected papers from 2000 to 2015 were chosen based on their content (evidence-based quality and reliability). In vivo experimental studies and clinical trials were considered. We did not find any scientific report of a putative biological synergy among the three bacteria strains contemporarily administered. However, many evidences based on ex-vivo experimental studies, highlight the symptomatic advantages of each strain individual administration. The most suitable target of this mixed probiotic formulation is the gastrointestinal tract bacterial imbalance, diverticulitis, or Helicobacter pylory infections, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Gut inflammation, and allergic diseases are improved by these strains modulating the Th1 lymphocyte population, rather than Th2, and a potential benefit in liver diseases, and lipid dismetabolism should be further deeply investigated.
Leggi ArticoloThe aim of this paper was to investigate the main clinical effects of an original probiotic formulation based on Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5, and Bifdobacterium bifdum BB12 with short-chain fruit oligosaccharides. We searched Pubmed/Medline using the terms “Lactobacillus rhamnosus”, “Lactobacillus acidophilus”, “Bifd bacterium bifdum” and “short-chain fruit oligosaccharides”. Selected papers from 2000 to 2015 were chosen based on their content (evidence-based quality and reliability). In vivo experimental studies and clinical trials were considered. We did not fnd any scientifc report of a putative biological synergy among the three bacteria strains contemporarily administered. However, many evidences based on ex-vivo experimental studies, highlight the symptomatic advantages of each strain individual administration. The most suitable target of this mixed probiotic formulation is the gastrointestinal tract bacterial imbalance, diverticulitis, or Helicobacter pylory infections, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Gut inflammation, and allergic diseases are improved by these strains modulating the Th1 lymphocyte population, rather than Th2, and a potential beneft in liver diseases, and lipid dismetabolism should be further deeply investigated.
Leggi ArticoloNegli ultimi anni vi è stato un crescente interesse nutraceutico per le alghe in diverse formulazioni nutraceutiche e farmaceutiche che ad oggi conferiscono notevoli benefci per la salute e rappresentano un’alternativa alla Medicina Moderna. Questa review approfondisce l’uso del cianobatterio Spirulina, delle microalghe Chlorella, Dunaliella, Haematococcus, e delle macroalghe Klamath, Ascophyllum, Lithothamnion, Chondrus, Hundaria, Glacilaria, Laminaria, Asparagopsis, Eisenia, Sargassum in termini di produzione, componenti nutrizionali e documentati benefci per la salute. Gli obiettivi specifci di questo studio sono stati: 1) approfondimento delle diverse alghe attualmente utilizzate in nutraceutica; 2) descrizione delle loro caratteristiche, dei benefci nutrizionali e possibili effetti collaterali; 3) valutazione di un implemento di utilizzo nutraceutico.
Leggi ArticoloI brodi, sia vegetali che animali, sono utilizzati ancora oggi come rimedi popolari per le loro proprietà terapeutiche (antiossidanti, antinfiammatorie, epatoprotettive) e rappresentano un’alternativaalla Medicina moderna. Il meccanismo d’azione degli effetti terapeutici di queste zuppe non è stato ancora approfondito. Durante la preparazione, però, avvengono delle reazioni chimiche e fisiche chepotrebbero contribuire alla definizione di “zuppe funzionali”: 1) la reazione di Maillard, determinata dall’interazione di zuccheri riducenti (carbonile) e proteine (gruppi NH2) durante il processo di cottura, che conferisce agli alimenti colore ed aroma; 2) la formazione di nanoparticelle colloidali (micelle, liposomi), coinvolte nel processo di eliminazione di eventuali tossine rilasciate dai componenti del brodo. Questa review approfondisce il consumo dei brodi più noti in tutto il mondo, la zuppa di Miso, il brodo Dashi, la zuppa piccante, la zuppa Smart, la zuppa Gazpacho, la zuppa di pomodoro e il brodo di pollo, con approfondimento della preparazione, delle componenti nutrizionali e degli studi, sia sperimentali che clinici, che documentino i benefici per la salute.
Leggi ArticoloElectromagnetic therapy is a non‑invasive and safe approach for the management of several pathological conditions including neurodegenerative diseases. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative pathology caused by abnormal degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra pars compacta in the midbrain resulting in damage to the basal ganglia. Electromagnetic therapy has been extensively used in the clinical setting in the form of transcranial magnetic stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, high‑frequencytranscranial magnetic stimulation and pulsed electromagnetic feld therapy which can also be used in the domestic setting. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms and therapeutic applications of electromagnetic therapy to alleviate motor and non‑motor defcits that characterize Parkinson’s disease
Leggi ArticoloWe describe two case reports to assess the efficacy of a new method suitable to close small-sized pressure ulcers and cancer-related skin lesions.
Leggi ArticoloBackground: Shark liver oil (SLO) contains both alkylglycerols (AKG) and squalene and is an ancient remedy among the fishermen on the west coast of Norway and Sweden. Literature reports showed that alkyglycerols enhance Fc–receptor mediated phagocytosis, increase humoral immune response and delay hypersensitivity reactions.Methods: On this background we performed an open spontaneous study on 40 very old aged surgical patients preoperatively treated with alkyglycerols (500 mg twice a day for 4 weeks), in order to reduce the risks of operation, counteracting the postoperative inflammatory and anergic conditions thus achieving quick and plain recovery. To better understand the possible therapeutic impact of alkyglycerols we compared on a case/control basis treated versus untreated patients submitted contemporarily to the identical operation and exposed to the same environmental and seasonal risks.Results: The onset of complications was reduced in the alkyglycerols treated group and the compliance to the natural treatment was excellent without any serious adverse effect. WBC count and IgG significant increase (respectively p <0.05 and p <0.001) might explain some sort of protection against infectious agents and wound repair adverse events. Also lymphocytes concentration significantly increased in the AKG treated group (p <0.001) whereas a slight decrease was observed in the control group. Conversely neutrophils significantly decreased in the AKG treated group (p <0.001) meaning that patients have no more infections and have re-established their physiologic state. However a significant increase was observed in the control group (p <0.05). CRP significantlydecreased in the group receiving AKG (p <0.05), thus evidencing a slight antiinflammtory effect of the product. Also ESR decreased from a baseline in the group receiving AKG.Conclusions: In conclusion we suggest the opportunity to introduce this nutraceutical product in dosages of 500 mg twice a day to very old people before surgical treatment for an effective modulation of leukocytes and soluble immune reactivity according with the shark liver oil consumption trend in the northern Europe countries folk medicine. For this reason it might be advisable a wider study on a substantially bigger patients cohort focused on the complication rate prevention or control.
Leggi ArticoloStem cells are a relevant source of information about cellular differentiation, molecular processes and tissue homeostasis, but also one of the most putative biological tools to treat degenerative diseases. This review focuses on human stem cells clinical and experimental application. Our aim is to take a correct view of the available stem cell subtypes and their rational use in the medical area, with a specific focus on their therapeutic benefits and side effects. We have reviewed the main clinical trials dividing them basing on their clinical applications, and taking into account the ethical issue associated with the stem cell therapy.
Aim. The very low calorie proteinated diet
essentially supplies low content of carbohydrates
and lipids, but higher proteins intake
to produce quick weight loss.
Methods. We selected 30 patients with Body
Mass Index (BMI) 30-50 submitted to a high
protein-low calories diet for 40 days; the calories
supplied were in the range of 800-1200
accordingly to individual workload, and urgent
weight loosing needs.
Results. After 40 diet days we observed in
all the patients definite weight loss and improvements
of glycemia, cretinine, triglycerides,
cholesterol, VLDL, HDL. Systolic and
diastolic blood pressure in hypertense cases
decreased significantly.
Conclusion. Very low calorie diet is effective
to reduce the weight before surgery, with a
very physiologic approach in terms of microenvironment,
electrolyte balance, lean mass
preservation and absence of weakness and
hunger. Thus, it is an excellent pre- surgery
conditioning, it helps wound healing and patients postoperative recovery.
Introduction: Antibiotics are largely employed in zootechnical feed to preserve human and animal species from zoonosis due pathogenic infective agents.
Aim: Due to the increasing number of pathologies related to diet (e.g. food intolerances), we investigated the toxic effects induced by antibiotics residues, oxytetracyclines, present within the industrial
food on both human and domestic animals’ health. Zootechnical products obtained from animal bones industrial transformation, and their related toxic effects have been pointed out.
Methods: Comparative analysis of published papers has been conducted from 1910 up to 2014.
Results: The comparative analysis revealed the presence of oxytetracycline residues and other antibiotics in food intended for human and animal consumption, which resulted in multisystemic
toxic effects.
Discussion: Either metabolism and possible measures to prevent exposure to oxytetracycline have also been examined, however a more detailed understanding of biochemical effects of such class of
antibiotics is required.